Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Season of Miracles

I'm sitting at Hasting's in front of a warm fire and hot caramel apple cider, Christmas music and a great coffee shop environment, thinking about how close it is to Christmas and how good it is to feel it now that the events of the morning have passed...

My morning started off fairly normal, woke up around 9:30 (sleeping in a little now that I am free of classes for winter break) and got dressed, did my makeup, ate my cereal and went to brush my teeth after making a brief comment to Kayla about the fresh snow we got the night before and the snow that was falling even as we spoke there in the kitchen. I put my chains on, scraped my windows and drove up the driveway, heading to meet my friend Amber for coffee and possibly meet up with one of my youth girls later... as I got to the main part of our road and began removing my chains I made a note to myself about the condition of my tires and the fact that I would need to go in to get them taken care of... I proceeded to remove my chains and then headed down the road... I was about half a mile down the road when my car started sliding, and I hit my breaks in panic (not the best thing to do in that situation!) and found myself screaming "Dear Jesus, Please!" as my car went over the ledge, sliding down about 10 feet or so into some brambles and branches. As the events occurred, my heart was praying all the words my mind couldn't think of and my voice sure as heck didn't have the time to speak. When everything stilled, I managed to shakily call my friend Amber and told her I couldn't make it and then paused to let my adrenaline calm down again before getting out of my car and calling a friend for help.

No answer... I sent a text thinking maybe he would respond then and ask I sent it off a couple pulled up and stopped asking if I needed assistance... they took my to the nearest store to call a tow truck. I called several tow companies and got the same answer. They wouldn't be much help to me with the $10 I had in my pocket until payday- still 3 days away. I texted my friend Quincy to see if she might know someone who could help. She sent her husband to the store to get me and see what they could do. After giving him directions to where my car was, we determined that any normal vehicle would not be able to get the job done, and we had to get a tow.

My friend finally called me in response to my text to see what was going on, I explained the situation to him and he suggested calling someone back at the house who might have Triple A roadside assistance. Jenn, back at the house told me she did not have Triple A, but her insurance had roadside assistance and it was only for her. Turns out she had the same insurance company, so I called them to see if I could add roadside assistance to my policy and then called to get help. Tow truck arrived within the hour and a half hour later I was out. There was a couple new dents in my car, but otherwise fine. I drove my car into Les Schwab to get new tires on so I would have better traction and not go sliding the next time I drive and that is where I'm at now, waiting for my car and waiting for my friend Kiehly.

It's amazing to me thinking back about how God's hand was on all of it. As I was waiting at the grocery store, after I spoke to several tow companies, all of them bringing news of disappointment, I begin asking a lot of questions... how am I going to fix this mess? God why didn't you stop it you could have... maybe you can't stop things, maybe just provide the grace in the midst of them... well, maybe that is partly true, but God not able to prevent something goes against His Sovereign character.... my mind was a whirlwind as I left the store, tears filling my eyes to go talk with my Pappa. As I was walking out the woman at the store asked me if I found what I needed,my response to her- "I need a miracle." I will never forget what she said in return, "Well it's the season for those... think about that." That definitely did get me thinking... as I sat outside talking to God about what was on my mind, I witness a man kindly holding the door for a family of four as he said, "I'm just doing my part to give some joy this time of the year." Small but simple reminders of what Christmas is about, it's about a Savior who came to redeem us from the mess that we've made of this earth and of our individual lives. A Savior that I realized even more today that I am so I am so in need of. After my car was pulled out I realized how much of a miracle it was that I walked out of that situation without a scratch, even more that my car was ok... my mirrors weren't even broken! haha I'm still amazed and I am now about to get the opportunity to minister to one of my youth girls. Truly a crazy, amazing day! And I realized in those moments that I'm making the decision that I'm going to spend time thanking God for the things He does give rather than asking questions why He hasn't given as I think He should. He is a GOOD Father! ♥ Thank you Papps for your grace and your faithfulness... Lord, You never fail us!