Tuesday, January 3, 2012

♥ The Heart Of It All ♥

"Each life effects the other- the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one." Ruby Pier ♥

One moment. One moment can change so much. That moment when I was presented with the possibility that nothing is in fact coincidence, I wanted to believe it- Honestly, in many ways I do... but this morning has me thinking back on a lot of my life. Remember relationships... some so beautiful that I could scarcely believe they are true and some- some so painful that I wish I could reverse time and take it all back so that it never happened. Why such thoughts? haha. I heard a quote today that hit me hard. "Strangers are but family we have yet to come to know" -Mitch Albom

My mind plunged into thoughts of all the people I have ever known and all the people yet unknown... people I have seen but never met. People like Ashley, whom I met on a Missions trip to the LA Dream Center. All this people are so dearly loved of God, and He has had our lives overlapping and linked together for a reason to make something glorious of it. I think God wants to do some deep healing in my heart. In all of our hearts- and sometimes He uses people around us to do that.

Lately I feel as though I have had a divided heart. Not in a bad way exactly, but as if I have been standing at a fork in the road for quite some time. I stand knowing that God has a purpose for me, but also that I have the choice in which path I take. This is the very heart of this blog, I think... learning to take the road less traveled, yet still stay on the path in which God leads me.

I'm standing here wondering where I need to be planted and who will be there to guide me. And even as I write this I realize I have been planted right where I need to be and God himself will guide me. I also know that God has designed me to be deeply relational and I need people in my life to help me grow, that God has planted the desires in my heart for a reason, and I so long to see them fulfilled. Time is teaching me patience, but also to be content with right now and understand the blessings I have in front of me... which surpass anything I truly could have imagined and far beyond what I deserve. I'm also seeing more and more- that the best is yet to come.

My friend Carrie once told me that I was gonna change the world. It blew my mind to think of it- still does, but I see now, each action in my life is like a ripple-effect and the more I lift up greatness in others, the more I myself will become great. That is what Christ taught, "whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be a servant of all." (Mark 10:43-44) My desire is to teach others that also, because the truth is, we will all change the world in some way- we will all leave our mark. Hopefully for the better. Looking ahead to the new year in 2012, I anticipate new beginnings, new mistakes, new adventures... but not forgetting at all the past and what God has taught me. He knows the things I must carry with me ahead... on the road less travel by.