Circles. It's crazy to think of these patterns in my life,
the people that have been brought into it and
the gifts that they bring with them.
Their stories, their personalities, their talents...
every essence of all that they are- who it is that these people are,
that seem to so quickly grow very dear to me.
This is the sort of thing that I feel the need to lift my eyes heavenward
and cry with tears of joy, the goodness that my life holds now.
I can't help but think of the dark pages of my past life,
My days of teenage angst and heavy depressive state.
There I wore a cloak of darkness, now I am robed in light.
I'd like to think I never wore a mask, but I guess we often do.
My face was one of of sorrow and pain and now I wear
the smile of a joyful heart, and that girl I used to be
holds but faint traces of the girl I am today, my artistic heart
and curious spirit have now been brought completely to life
and my God has given me a home in which to thrive! A garden
in my heart- a place to rest, to be content. What are circles
in the midst of all this? The thought that each life touches
so many others, we're all intertwined and there's nothing that I have
experienced that will not somehow play out or speak to someone one else's
heart, another life, like wings on butterfly, creating earthquakes
somewhere far, unseen... someplace we might never hear of... I'm learning
this truth through the youth of this generation and the more I invest
in these young hearts and minds- the more I seem to learn about life
and about myself, about God, and the purpose for which I live and laugh and
cry and breathe and sing. I will be among the first to say that my life
is nowhere near perfect. I have bad days, have my share of sorrows or
pain but I am content. I love where my life stands as of now, now
that's not to say I'm never moving forward or that there's things that
need not change... perhaps the better sense is that of trust, which then leads
on into contentment. I may not have it all together, I most certainly
still have questions, but I will trust that God, that in His timing will
shine light on all things and continue to perfect my life... and... my world. <3 p="p">
"Even the worst of days with Jesus are still better than the best of days without Him"- Misty Edwards
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions” -Rainer Maria Rilke