"You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."
♥ 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 ♥
♥ 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 ♥
I love slow days at work, because at my job, that means I get to do one of my favorite things in the whole world and sit back and read. I have just finished up my summer goal of reading the entire Narnia series, going back to back with my little sister who finished the books a month before I did. Ok, I'll admit it. She kicked my trash- but it's not like she had 2 youth summer camps to help lead and a full time job to keep her busy... she has cross country and books. I am glad she read the books though, which was actually the whole point of the challenge. It was one way that I figured my little sister might be open to the love of Christ and the truths of the Bible. Growing up in a Mormon home doesn't exactly allow much room for the reality of that to be presented.

Paul writes to the Corinthian church encouraging them of his love for them and the love that Christ has for them. It is because of Christ's love that Paul is able to love the saints with such a deep and faithful love. He mentions doubts and pain, he mentions trials and persecution and yet his joy is full, and his love for the brothers and sisters of Corinth is still fuller. It's truly beautiful to see through these letters the strength that God's love gives to both be loved and to love. Both of which can be really hard at times. Hard because it requires humility and forgiveness, it requires sacrifice and dying to yourself. A lot to wrap your mind around and something I have been thinking much on lately in regards to the people in my life and how I can do better at living this out.

But the words that seemed to touch my heart the most during yesterday's reading was where he explains to his dear friends that we are in fact the love letters written upon our very hearts and we are called to be a manifestation of that truth. Letters like the ones penned from a faithful friend who loves the church and his savior more that life, but what's more... letters that are literally penned upon our hearts from before time began from the maker of our hearts and of the universe. We are known and read by everybody.
I honestly am lost in this concept of being a love letter from Jesus to the world. The Bible is one of those love letters to us, yet- he designed us to be the embodiment of that love letter to the world. Beautiful and enchanting, to bring joy and peace and encouragement- helping everyone that we meet want to know more about this love and seek out the author of these letters. Helping to stir up the desire within every heart to know and be known by God and for them to be the best version of themselves that they can possibly be- both as individuals and as they are unified within the Bride of Christ. I heard a quote once that, "You may be the only Bible some people ever read." If that is truth, then what are our lives saying to others about the love of Christ and who He is. Not only who He is to us, but who He is according to the truth of His word. What does my life say? They say actions speak louder than words. Lord, I pray that my life will be speaking volumes about your love for this world and how worthy you are of our love. Let every line of this letter which is my life- tell of your greatness for generations to come. ♥