Thursday, December 13, 2012

Levi the Poet, New Album- "Seasons"

Last night I had the honor and privileged of meeting Levi Macallister and seeing him perform his art here at River City Church in Missoula, MT. I have been an unashamed fan for quite some time now and am well versed and familiar with his previous works from Monologues and Werewolves, as well. Like many, I was drawn to his individual style of what some would argue to be poetry, but a sure art form nonetheless. He manages to use well thought out, profound lyrics to bring out the raw and vulnerable in us all.  However I was amazed even further with the new elements he brought to his art with his newest album, "Seasons."

His own lyrics sum it up best when he says, "some will love it because it’s honest, and some will hate it because it’s crude." He definitely has an edge to his art that is unique and all his own, some likely have found it offensive. I however, find it real. I find it passionate. Nothing shows that more than Levi's latest album. "Seasons" takes his willingness to share his story and his passion, and not just make it about the experiences, but about the sense that we all have stories, we have all been scarred, and we are all searching for something greater to make something of worth out of it all. Levi shares that hope through his album "Seasons" more than any previously, although the others area certainly not lacking in that message to be sure! 

He has fine tuned his art adding in a more melodic and passionate edge to his newest pieces as well, with piano parts and singing from his wife, Brandi, as well as other instrumental elements added to the mix that make this album well worth not just the lyrical content but the creativity that he expresses through the musical aspects as well. And his performance last night: Inspiring to say the least! Thanks Levi for sharing your hope and your heart through the lyrics and poems you call art! It truly is something glorious! 

You can check Levi out on his website

I hope my readers find it as awe-inspiring as I do! 



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